Thursday 25 February 2016

Sign Language

Welcome to Room 4 Miss Cook and Hevaniah!!

Hevaniah communicates using New Zealand Sign Language and Miss Cook translates everything that Miss Skynner says into sign.

New Zealand sign language is the third official language of New Zealand and we have been learning it in Room 4 for the last few weeks.

We know how to say our names, and a few other things. We are picking new things up everyday. It is lots of fun to learn.

Here are some things you can use if you want to practice at home

We have also been learning some lovely songs in sign (the links are the name of each video, if clicking on the videos doesn't work)

1 comment:

  1. Lucky Room 4 learning NZ sign language. Can you spell?...
    My name is... in NZ sign language?
    Remember last year at the Multi Sensory Sight Word table we had paint and sticks etc. You can do the same thing with learning your sight words with sign language. I think I will include a poster of ABC NZ Sign Language on the table this year for The Hive of Room Five to learn. Thanks for sharing this idea Room 4.
