Friday 26 February 2016

Our Place in the World

Over the last few weeks we have been discussing the idea of Community in Room 4. We started creating a classroom community by creating class rules, and having each member do their share and having their own duty.

We were also looking at how people can belong to many different groups, and sometimes can have different roles between those groups.

We looked at different groups people in our class belong to (people who play soccer, people who do dancing etc)

We also discussed how within our class we have groups (writing groups, reading groups, maths groups, table groups, and Roopu groups)

Then we had a look at our place in the world. 
This is me
This is my school
This is my neighbourhood
This is my city
This is my provience
This is my country
This is my world

We now understand that the circles become larger as we go, because more people fit into that group.

They look fantastic and add some nice colour to our art wall :)


  1. I really like your circles display. I hope they are still up when I return to school so I can read all about you and how you fit into your community as the circles get bigger and bigger.

  2. I really like your circles display. I hope they are still up when I return to school so I can read all about you and how you fit into your community as the circles get bigger and bigger.

  3. What a colourful display. Neat work Room 4. The next time I am in your classroom I am going to come and have a look.
