Saturday 6 February 2016

Introducing Miss Skynner

Kia Ora and Welcome to Room 4's fantastic blog. 
This blog will be updated once a week with all of the amazing things we have been doing in Room 4. Please take time to view our blog and discuss the events with your child. You are more than welcome to comment on the posts if you would like to. 

Some information about Miss Skynner
* This is my second year as a teacher, I was teaching in Room 3 last year
* I love learning alongside my students and am amazed by their creativity
* I have a passion for children's literature
* I am looking forward to working alongside you this year to create success for your child

Please feel free to pop into our room before or after school to have a look at what we have been doing. 

I am slightly addicted to checking my emails, and can always be contacted this way- even if I am not at school. Please flick me an email at any time if you have any questions or queries.

My email is

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