Thursday 18 February 2016

Hands on Maths Learning

This week in Maths we have been doing some fantastic 'hands on' learning.

On Thursday we were learning all about measurement, non standard measures and estimations.

We had different items to measure around the room such as tables, lines on the floor and tote tray containers.
The first thing we had to do was estimate how long we thought the items would be.
We used different things to measure them (like our hands, feet, pencils and blocks).
Then we had to revisit our estimations and see how close we were.

On Friday we were learning all about statistics. Together as a class we collected data (in the form of a tally chart) about when the birthdays are in Room 4. We then worked really hard to turn our data into a bar graph.
We were able to use the graph and answer questions such as Which month has the least amount of birthdays, and how can we tell?

We pulled all of our shoes onto the carpet and worked in pairs or groups of threes to collect data of the different types of shoes, and turn them into bar graphs.

What a great week we have had!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Room 4 I really like how you wrote your " Guesstimations" on the white board before you measured the room with your body parts and shoes.
