Friday 26 February 2016

Our Place in the World

Over the last few weeks we have been discussing the idea of Community in Room 4. We started creating a classroom community by creating class rules, and having each member do their share and having their own duty.

We were also looking at how people can belong to many different groups, and sometimes can have different roles between those groups.

We looked at different groups people in our class belong to (people who play soccer, people who do dancing etc)

We also discussed how within our class we have groups (writing groups, reading groups, maths groups, table groups, and Roopu groups)

Then we had a look at our place in the world. 
This is me
This is my school
This is my neighbourhood
This is my city
This is my provience
This is my country
This is my world

We now understand that the circles become larger as we go, because more people fit into that group.

They look fantastic and add some nice colour to our art wall :)

Thursday 25 February 2016

Sign Language

Welcome to Room 4 Miss Cook and Hevaniah!!

Hevaniah communicates using New Zealand Sign Language and Miss Cook translates everything that Miss Skynner says into sign.

New Zealand sign language is the third official language of New Zealand and we have been learning it in Room 4 for the last few weeks.

We know how to say our names, and a few other things. We are picking new things up everyday. It is lots of fun to learn.

Here are some things you can use if you want to practice at home

We have also been learning some lovely songs in sign (the links are the name of each video, if clicking on the videos doesn't work)

Thursday 18 February 2016

Touch Piggy

The weather stayed fine for us (just) and we were able to head out for Koromatua's annual Touch Piggy Tournament.

We excitedly came to school in our Roopu colours and waited patiently for our turn.

The year 2s had their games first and then it was the turn of the year 3s. 

We had so much fun and we cheered loud and proud for our Roopu.

Hands on Maths Learning

This week in Maths we have been doing some fantastic 'hands on' learning.

On Thursday we were learning all about measurement, non standard measures and estimations.

We had different items to measure around the room such as tables, lines on the floor and tote tray containers.
The first thing we had to do was estimate how long we thought the items would be.
We used different things to measure them (like our hands, feet, pencils and blocks).
Then we had to revisit our estimations and see how close we were.

On Friday we were learning all about statistics. Together as a class we collected data (in the form of a tally chart) about when the birthdays are in Room 4. We then worked really hard to turn our data into a bar graph.
We were able to use the graph and answer questions such as Which month has the least amount of birthdays, and how can we tell?

We pulled all of our shoes onto the carpet and worked in pairs or groups of threes to collect data of the different types of shoes, and turn them into bar graphs.

What a great week we have had!

Week 1 in Room 4

WOW! What an amazing group of learners we are in Room 4 this year. We spent the first couple of weeks getting to know each other and learning Miss Skynner's rules and expectations.
We were on holiday for so long that we are learning how to build our learning stamina back up. We break our day up with brain breaks to get our thinking power turned back on.

 We went and explored our school gardens. We talked about what we could hear, smell, see and touch. It made for some awesome pieces of writing, and we had fun!

Saturday 6 February 2016

Introducing Miss Skynner

Kia Ora and Welcome to Room 4's fantastic blog. 
This blog will be updated once a week with all of the amazing things we have been doing in Room 4. Please take time to view our blog and discuss the events with your child. You are more than welcome to comment on the posts if you would like to. 

Some information about Miss Skynner
* This is my second year as a teacher, I was teaching in Room 3 last year
* I love learning alongside my students and am amazed by their creativity
* I have a passion for children's literature
* I am looking forward to working alongside you this year to create success for your child

Please feel free to pop into our room before or after school to have a look at what we have been doing. 

I am slightly addicted to checking my emails, and can always be contacted this way- even if I am not at school. Please flick me an email at any time if you have any questions or queries.

My email is