Saturday 10 September 2016


We have had an amazing week this week. Our topic has been Kitchen Science. We have been looking at how things change when they are heated, mixed or cooled- and the physical properties of different things.

We made a different thing a different thing each afternoon leading up to our topic day on Friday.

Not only were we learning how to make (and eat) yummy things, we also had to be recording our observations and be writing procedures for how to make each of the items.

On Monday, we started with Popcorn!

First, popcorn looks like little beans but they are hard when it heats up it changes colour and it goes hot. First it is orange and then it goes a buttery colour
By Lily

Before it is cooked it looks like beans, it feels like rocks and it is smooth. Before it cooks it sounds like rocks falling on the ground. With the oil it looks watery. As it pops it smells like lollies. When it is ready it looks like ball balls of popcorn. It feels firm.
By Seddon

Popcorn looks like seeds. It feels like eggs. When you put them in I heard it crackle. It looks watery. The pot changed colour. The popcorn is heating and it feels soft.
By Tauterangi

Popcorn- hard and smooth
watery and sticky
heating, yellow and popping, almost like popcorn
It was yellow, now it is white
It was hard but now it is soft
Enjoy and have fun
By Taniora

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