Thursday 17 March 2016

Teina Athletics

Today was the day we have been waiting for... TEINA ATHLETICS DAY!!!!

The call was made at 8:30am to go ahead with it. As we assembled on the courts we were very aware of the big black clouds that had started to form over our heads.
We were racing to get through before the rain came, and we were lucky because it didn't end up raining.

We competed in events such as Vortex throw, high jump, long jump and sprints. Miss Skynner was so busy with doing vortex that she didn't get a chance to take photos :(

We were so fast that we finished all of the rotations before Morning Tea.

After morning tea we excitedly got into our Roopu groups ready for the Roopu relay. 

Everyone so fast and each Roopu was fantastic!! 
Congratulations to Totara house for taking out the relay :)

Miss Skynner was very proud of everybody in Room 4 today, all of you took on the Taniwha Challenge of participation and did an incredible job.

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