Thursday 31 March 2016

A few notices

We only had three days at school this week because of Easter Monday and Easter Tuesday.
It was quite exciting to come back to school and realise it was already Wednesday!

This week a notice was sent home talking about Parent Teacher Interviews. These will be on Monday and Tuesday of week 11 (not next week, but the week after). Please send your forms back as soon as possible to ensure you get a time to meet with Miss Skynner. 

Marble Jar
We have a class marble jar in Room 4. We gain a marble when the whole class is being amazing. At the start of the term we voted on what we wanted our reward to be when we fill our jar, and we decided that we will be having a lunchtime dance party. We are so excited because we only have two marbles to go!!! Hopefully we can get that dance party by the end of the term.

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