Thursday 31 March 2016

A few notices

We only had three days at school this week because of Easter Monday and Easter Tuesday.
It was quite exciting to come back to school and realise it was already Wednesday!

This week a notice was sent home talking about Parent Teacher Interviews. These will be on Monday and Tuesday of week 11 (not next week, but the week after). Please send your forms back as soon as possible to ensure you get a time to meet with Miss Skynner. 

Marble Jar
We have a class marble jar in Room 4. We gain a marble when the whole class is being amazing. At the start of the term we voted on what we wanted our reward to be when we fill our jar, and we decided that we will be having a lunchtime dance party. We are so excited because we only have two marbles to go!!! Hopefully we can get that dance party by the end of the term.

Tuesday 22 March 2016

WaCkY Hair Day

Wednesday the 23rd of March was wacky hair day at Koromatua School.
Room 4 had some amazing hair styles and everyone was very excited.

Our senior council rep came in to do some judging and then we were down to Assembly to check out the rest of the school.

Well done everyone, you looked amazing.
Congratulations to Jayla, Kirra and Caylis who won the awards for our class!

Check out the wacky hair fun below :)

Thursday 17 March 2016

Teina Athletics

Today was the day we have been waiting for... TEINA ATHLETICS DAY!!!!

The call was made at 8:30am to go ahead with it. As we assembled on the courts we were very aware of the big black clouds that had started to form over our heads.
We were racing to get through before the rain came, and we were lucky because it didn't end up raining.

We competed in events such as Vortex throw, high jump, long jump and sprints. Miss Skynner was so busy with doing vortex that she didn't get a chance to take photos :(

We were so fast that we finished all of the rotations before Morning Tea.

After morning tea we excitedly got into our Roopu groups ready for the Roopu relay. 

Everyone so fast and each Roopu was fantastic!! 
Congratulations to Totara house for taking out the relay :)

Miss Skynner was very proud of everybody in Room 4 today, all of you took on the Taniwha Challenge of participation and did an incredible job.

Hot Air Balloons

This week was the start of the Balloons over Waikato festival and also the start of our new topic Balloons.

We had a great discussion about what we already know about balloons and questions that we would like to answer during our topic.

Some of us have been lucky enough to go to the Balloon Festival in the mornings before school.
We have been tracking the balloons each morning and watching them on the projector to see which direction they are headed.

Here is the link for the balloon tracker if you would like to try it at home 

Thursday 3 March 2016

Our Class Motto

We have a special class motto in Room 4.

We are rubber bands, and bouncy balls- 
We are flexible and we bounce back. 

The rubber bands help us to remember that we can be very flexible and adapt to any situation without breaking.
The bouncy balls help us to remember that not everything will go according to plan all of the time. Things change sometimes but it is not the end of the world, we will bounce straight back like a bouncy ball.

Miss Skynner is very proud of Room 4 and their ability to practice our class motto- She thinks we are fantastic at being rubber bands and bouncy balls. 

Well done Room 4 :)