Thursday 18 August 2016

Olympic Artwork

Last Friday when we arrived at school, we were so excited to see that there was newspaper over all of the tables- We were going to be doing some painting!!!

The process was quite a long one but we produced some amazing pieces of art work.

First we each chose an Olympic sport and found some photos of athletes from that sport. We had to very carefully draw the outline of that athlete, making it big enough to paint with a paintbrush. We were only going to be focusing on the silhouette. This was very hard.

Then we were given an A4 piece of paper and we had to plan our background. We could draw different lines and make as many sections as we wanted to. The idea was that two touching sections were not allowed to be the same colour. Once we had finished, we had to transfer our plan and make it look exactly the same on our bigger A3 piece of paper.

We then sat with out plans beside us and painted our big backgrounds. We learnt how important it was to refer back to our plan, and make sure it was the right way around.

Once we finished our backgrounds, we cut out and painted our figures all black. We were really focusing on not having any white space showing.

Here are some photos of us in the process and then our finished display- Don't they look AMAZING?

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