Thursday 25 August 2016

Writing about our time with Mr Karlo

Yesterday we were so lucky to have Mr Karlo as our teacher. We had an amazing day and learnt so much from him. We all did some writing about how much fun it was. Here are our thoughts.

"Yesterday with Mr Karlo we played the rope games. You need to get the beanbags then jump to the end". By Ezaiah

"Yesterday in Room 4, I had Mr Karlo and he was funny. We played some games. We played Ooga Booga. Room 6 was in Room 4. We coloured in and we played the rope games". By Matty J

"Yesterday Mr Karlo was in our class and he sang songs and Room 6 was in there with us. Mr Karlo was grumpy with some people. We got to go on the rope tracks which was very fun. He did nice songs and nice voices. We did so much that day and he had long hair and with his long hair, he did this. He put his hair on his face and over his hair he put his hat on his head and he put his glasses on his face. He gave us a a sheet  and the sheet had Maori stuff on the bottom of it. There was heaps on the bottom of it". By Mia H

"Yesterday we had Mr Karlo. For maths we did distance, for the rest of the day we played games.  When Mr Karlo was doing the roll he was calling our names funny. We did pop up books and rope courses. Mia H and Mason and DJ got 11 seconds. They needed to race to see who came first. Mia H got gold, Mason got silver, DJ got bronze. The games we played were Ooga Booga, Olympic moves, We love dancing- yes we do. Mr Karlo made up we love dancing yes we do. 
We didn't get time to play rope course number two. Mr Karlo made up 6 rope courses for us to do. Mia H got 8 seconds for the rope course. The pop up books were "the Jungle", "Pets", "The farm". My favourite pop up book was the pets one. We did singing too, when we were eating, he told us two hammock stories. They were so so funny. One was when he hung his hammock in between two trucks, he forgot to tell one of the drivers. The other one was when he hung his hammock between two rocks. He was on a mountain. The mountain was growing thistles under the rocks,he got one of them in his butt". By Kirra

"Yesterday Mr Karlo came to teach Room 4. He read pop up books. We also did rope courses and if we rang the bell two times then we had to add ten points. We sang lots of songs, we also shared stories. Then he taught us new games. Then we had to choose out of 14 sheets to colour in. After that we played games for the afternoon". By Seddon

"Yesterday we had Mr Karlo. We did a rope course and on the rope course and we couldn't ring the bell. Mr Karlo was signing songs and he was funny. We did a target challenge. I versed Ezaiah and he won."
By Tauterangi

"Yesterday with Room 6 and Mr Karlo, we did the rope course and we played Ooga Booga and we played games. We had fun and we read books and pop up books. We played Olympic Moves and sung songs." By Taniora

"Yesterday I did some songs, I did some jumping. I did some maths and I did some colouring in. I did some reading". By Melissa

"Yesterday with Mr Karlo we did some new games together. We did some drawings and we used Jovis. Mr Karlo played fun as games with us. Mr Kalo is a fun teacher because he lets us play games all day. He is the first best teacher. "From Arliyah

"Yesterday Mr Karlo was our teacher. He is funny. He is fun because we got to play games,
Room 6 was in our class. Some people got in trouble." By Nevaeh

Thursday 18 August 2016

Olympic Artwork

Last Friday when we arrived at school, we were so excited to see that there was newspaper over all of the tables- We were going to be doing some painting!!!

The process was quite a long one but we produced some amazing pieces of art work.

First we each chose an Olympic sport and found some photos of athletes from that sport. We had to very carefully draw the outline of that athlete, making it big enough to paint with a paintbrush. We were only going to be focusing on the silhouette. This was very hard.

Then we were given an A4 piece of paper and we had to plan our background. We could draw different lines and make as many sections as we wanted to. The idea was that two touching sections were not allowed to be the same colour. Once we had finished, we had to transfer our plan and make it look exactly the same on our bigger A3 piece of paper.

We then sat with out plans beside us and painted our big backgrounds. We learnt how important it was to refer back to our plan, and make sure it was the right way around.

Once we finished our backgrounds, we cut out and painted our figures all black. We were really focusing on not having any white space showing.

Here are some photos of us in the process and then our finished display- Don't they look AMAZING?

Helper of the Day

We have started a new idea in Room 4.
Each morning, Miss Skynner chooses a helper of the day and it is their job to tick off each item on our agenda and help to keep us on track. 
This week we decided to have the helper of the day run our Calendar Maths section.
This has helped to have more people join in with our discussions.

Here are some photos from the first day of having a student led Calendar Maths


Wednesday 10 August 2016

Treasure Hunt!

We are such an amazing class that we have filled our Marble Jar again!!

This time we choose to work towards a treasure hunt and we were so excited for it to finally happen

Miss Skynner taught us how to read co-ordinates to help us find places on the map. When the day of the treasure hunt arrived we were in small groups, and each of us were given a map of the school.

We had to use the co-ordinates on the map to find places around the school where a letter was hidden, then writing it down as part of a scrambled message.

It was too exciting for some of us and we ended up just running around picking up the letters. We still enjoyed finding them, and it was a great chance to learn about co-ordinates and maps.

We are now working on filling our marble jar again so we can earn a games afternoon :)

Cross Country 2016

We tried multiple times to run our Cross- Country but the weather kept getting in the way. We were finally able to run it on Monday afternoon. It was a lovely winter's day, it was slightly chilly but the sun was shining and there was not a cloud in the sky.
All of Teina syndicate gathered in the hall for our warm up- it was Eye of the Tiger!! 

Then it was time for us to run our races, it was hard going but we all kept going. We may have walked some parts of it, but none of us ever stopped! Miss Skynner was very proud of us and she is sure that you were too! 

Thursday 4 August 2016

Dress in Black for the Olympics

Tomorrow is the start of the 2016 Rio Olympic Games. We decided to show our support for our New Zealand Athletes by dressing all in black.