Thursday 1 December 2016

Tabloids Afternoon

On Wednesday afternoon, the whole school headed out onto the field for a fun afternoon of tabloid sports.  Erin from Project Energise came in with heaps of fun equipment and taught our senior sports leaders how to run each activity. We learnt how to work as a team, with people that we might not have worked with before.
What a great afternoon!

Problem Solvers

This week we needed to put our problem solving hats on. Our problem was, we didn't know what to do with our sun hats. 

We started off the term by taking them home with us each day- then we had people not bringing them back.

We tried a hat box- it was great for keeping hats at school, but it wasn't really the best idea.

We tried naming our cubbies so we keep them there, but we didn't think they would be safe there overnight.

We thought of putting them on the floor under our chairs but then it would make our classroom look messy.

We were having such a hard time finding a solution that we even asked Mr Farthing for advice. He suggested hanging them up on the wire around the room and then we realised that Mrs Sayers was the only person who could reach them.

This brainstorming went on for a really long time and we came up with many great ideas but then also thought of why they wouldn't work.

We have finally come up with a solution that will get us through until the end of the year.... A hat wall!!!!!

We are very proud of ourselves for working through this problem and we think our hat wall is quite cool. 
PS- The hats are sitting on hooks, there is nothing stuck through them so no holes :)