Sunday 30 October 2016

Our art in progress

Next week is Art and Craft week. We have been working so hard on our pointillism art. Today we dedicated the whole day to it to make sure we get finished in time. They are looking fantastic- more photos next week of all of the finished pieces.

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Games Afternoon

Room 4 has filled their marble jar for the third time this year! This time we were working towards a games afternoon and that is what we had on Wednesday afternoon.
Some people had games from home and then Miss Skynner taught us some  new ones as well.
We had a lovely afternoon playing games and working together to figure out the different rules.

We will try and fill our marble jar once more before the year is finished- this time we are trying to earn a Go Noodle afternoon :)

Author's Visit

On Wednesday we were incredibly lucky to have an author come and visit us at school. Her name was Sarah Johnson and she has written books including the Bold Shop Phenomenal and Wooden Arms.
She spoke to us about how a book is made- we didn't realise there was so many steps involved in this process. Here is a link to her blog if you want to find out more information.

Thanks Sarah- we had so much fun learning from you!

Thursday 13 October 2016

Measuring Perimeter

Welcome back to Term 4 everybody.
It sounds like you all had amazing holidays and I was so excited to see you all back on Monday.
Term 4 is going to be a busy one- we have lots of amazing things to get through before Christmas.
We have had a great week this week, refreshing expectations and handing out lots of Roopu points for doing the right thing. 

We started learning about Perimeter this week. We know that it goes around the outside of a shape- like a fence around a garden. At first we though that Perimeter was going to be really hard but then we found out all we have to do is add the lengths of all of the sides together! The hardest part for us is remembering to put the right unit at the end.

We started exploring this concept by learning a cool new song

Then we had a chance to practice in groups. We had to measure the perimeter of different pencil cases and calculate it on the whiteboard. 
What a fun week we have had!