Thursday 28 July 2016

Olympics Topic

Today we had our topic day- we were going to be learning all about shadows. The massive storm meant we couldn't do anything outside so we decided to start our Olympic unit early. 
It didn't go quite as well as Miss Skynner thought but it was still a good day.

We had a lesson on co-operation and working together in groups. This afternoon we were in small groups and we had to design or re-design a sport to take to the Olympics.

We had a few criteria to think about and then we had to share our new sport to the class.

Most groups did really well working together- it was a little bit tricky for some of us to listen to each other but we still managed to produce some great ideas.

Cross Country

Just a reminder that we our school Cross Country next Monday afternoon. If it is raining, we will run on Wednesday (hopefully).

Do as much training as you can over the weekend to get ready for this big event!

Here is the link to the video that we have been using as our warm up, if you want to practice at home :)

Eye of the Tiger

Name Aliens

We have been learning about reflections and lines of symmetry.

We folded a piece of paper in half and wrote our name, we then cut around our names and unfolded the piece of paper to see these wacky name aliens.

The hardest part for us, was thinking about keeping our colouring the same on both sides. 

Check out our 'out of this world' creations.

Netball taster

We were very lucky to have Natasha from Netball Waikato come and teach us a few skills. We loved learning how to balance and shoot. Then we got to put our skills into action with a couple of games.

Kapa Haka Photos

We worked so hard last term in preparation for our Kapa Haka Show.
On the night, we were all nervous and excited.

We did an amazing job on the night and everybody loved our performance.

Miss Skynner and Miss Cook were so incredibly proud of us. The video of our performance can't be uploaded because it is too big :( but here are some photos of us waiting for our turn back stage.