Thursday 16 June 2016

A lot of sickness

Winter is well and truly here now and the days are very cold. 
Lots of us- including Miss Skynner have been getting sick this week.

Please keep yourselves nice and warm and stay home for lots of rest if you are unwell.

Hopefully everyone is feeling better next week for Pyjama Day on Tuesday.

Thursday 9 June 2016

An incredibly busy week

WOW! Week 5 has been a very busy week for us here at Koromatua School. It was Queen's Birthday so we had one day less to fit everything in.

We have been so busy with all of these amazing activities that we didn't have a chance to take any photos :(

On Tuesday we had our Matariki Celebrations. Each class rotated around 5 different stations, we made Te Rakau with Mrs M and Miss Skynner. We learnt special waiata with Whaea Nin. Ms Hall and Ms Shore helped us to make Matariki lanterns. Mr V helped us ice our star biscuits and Ms Billington taught us some Maori games. 
What a fantastic and special day learning all about Matariki.

Wednesday was school photo day so we all came to school even prettier and spunkier than we normally would, we can't wait to see our class photos!!

We are working so hard to get ready for our Kapa Haka Show in a couple of weeks, we have been trying on our costumes and making our practice poi which made us so excited!

We wonder what exciting things will happen next week in Room 4...

Thursday 2 June 2016

On a cold and frosty morning...

Winter is well and truly setting in now. The days are getting colder and our faces are red when we come into class each morning.

We were so happy to see the sunshine this morning that we made sure we were nice and warm before heading outside  to explore.

We picked ice off the grass, saw the plants covered by a frosty layer and observed the leaves on one of our favourite trees had disappeared.

We spent a little bit of time in our garden taking out some of the carrot plants so that the rest of them could grow bigger. We read some stories about the life cycle of a sun flower- so many questions came from this that we have to do some more investigating.

It was amazing way to spend a cold and frosty morning.

At the end of the day we had a special assembly to farewell Whaea Loanna who has been at Koromatua School for 7 years. We will miss her very much.