Thursday 7 April 2016

Wonderful Week 10

We have had so much fun and done so many amazing things this week, check them out below...

On Tuesday- Kelly taught us a game in New Zealand Sign Language. The person in the middle points to someone and they become either an Elephant or a rabbit, and the people on either side of them have to be their ears. In this game, we really needed to pay attention!   

Some of us have started having lunch at Miss Skynner's group table each day, here are some funny photos we wanted to share with you


We have been looking at Temperature this week in Maths. We talked about things that are hot and cold, then we tried to melt ice cubes in different parts of the room.     

We do a big book together each week. This week our book was called Mice in the Kitchen. Today we did some drama and acted out parts from the story.  

We did some language experience on Friday to inspire some fantastic writing. We made bubble mixture and then tried to blow bubbles around the room.         

What an amazing week we have had in Room 4!!!